Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Top 5 "Saving Private Ryan" Characters

5. Private James Ryan

Portrayed by: Matt Damon
Favorite moment: Private Ryan tells Captain Miller about the last night he and his three brothers were together. It's so touching and Matt Damon's acting is brilliant.

4. Private Daniel Jackson

Portrayed by: Barry Pepper
Favorite moment: Jackson snipes another sniper through the scope. AMAZING.

3. Medic Irwin Wade

Portrayed by: Giovanni Ribisi
Favorite moment: Wade's story, told in the church, about how he was only able to talk to his mother at night when she got off work. Another touching scene acted brilliantly.

2. Captain John Miller

Portrayed by: Tom Hanks
Favorite moment: Captain Miller, in order to stop a fight between two of his men, finally reveals details about his life before the war.

1. Corporal Timothy Upham

Portrayed by: Jeremy Davies
Favorite moment: Without being too spoilery, my favorite Upham moment is ... Upham's heroic and brave act at the end of the film. If you've seen the movie, you should know what I'm talking about.

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