Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Top 5 "Saving Private Ryan" Characters

5. Private James Ryan

Portrayed by: Matt Damon
Favorite moment: Private Ryan tells Captain Miller about the last night he and his three brothers were together. It's so touching and Matt Damon's acting is brilliant.

4. Private Daniel Jackson

Portrayed by: Barry Pepper
Favorite moment: Jackson snipes another sniper through the scope. AMAZING.

3. Medic Irwin Wade

Portrayed by: Giovanni Ribisi
Favorite moment: Wade's story, told in the church, about how he was only able to talk to his mother at night when she got off work. Another touching scene acted brilliantly.

2. Captain John Miller

Portrayed by: Tom Hanks
Favorite moment: Captain Miller, in order to stop a fight between two of his men, finally reveals details about his life before the war.

1. Corporal Timothy Upham

Portrayed by: Jeremy Davies
Favorite moment: Without being too spoilery, my favorite Upham moment is ... Upham's heroic and brave act at the end of the film. If you've seen the movie, you should know what I'm talking about.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Where have I been?!?!?!

I haven't posted here in ..... FIVE MONTHS.


Why, yes, of course I have obsessions. In decreasing order, here they are.

1. James Dean
2. WWII and other military knowledge

And there they are. So I will discuss them, in increasing order. See what I did there? I switched orders. I'm a trickster.

So, where did this WWII and other military knowledge thing come from? Three words: Saving Private Ryan. That film is included in this obsession. But yes, I am obsessed with obtaining knowledge about military history, specifically WWII because, so far, it is my favorite war to learn about. I do not encourage war, I do not even like that it exists. I just think some of the things involved are fascinating. My favorite thing right now is ranks. I also like medals. I also like ... WEAPONS. Aaaaahhhhh! I don't want to use them, I just enjoy learning about them. And, in sort of a WWII-related note, I am learning German. This is in addition to the Japanese class I took last semester and the one I am taking next semester. So I'm WWII-ing it up, yo. I have a woodlands camo jacket I got at an army surplus store. I also have a marksman badge and a sharpshooter badge with grenade, pistol, and M-203 bars. I have corporal stripes (double chevron, what what) that I need my mommy to sew on ... hey, she's better at it than I am. I also have what I thought was a corporal badge, but it's really a sergeant badge. Sigh. Those military badges and their confusing use of negative space. So, until my corporal stripes are sewn on, I'm a sergeant. Yes, I'm waiting to be demoted a rank ... corporals are the best! Especially this one: http://www.sproe.com/u/upham.html

Now, James Dean - my number one these days. This one came from a series of lists I am doing on my other Blogspot blog. I am compiling top 5 lists of "hotties" of each decade from the '50s to the '00s in different categories. The first category was film actors, and - before I'd even seen any of his films - James Dean won for the 1950s. It was a landslide victory, too. James was one of the best looking people ever to walk the planet. Not only that, he was one of the most talented people ever. I don't want to be sad now, so I am going to continue talking about happy things. I have now seen all three of his big films and they are all amazing. Rebel Without a Cause is my favorite, but I love East of Eden and Giant too. Libraries have been very helpful with this obsession. I borrowed two of his films from them (Giant came on TV) and I also borrowed a great big book that has helped me learn all about him. It features TONS of amazing photos, including several from his childhood (he was a very cute kid). I have spent money on this obsession, but not too much (so far). I bought a James Dean poster for about $12. It is amazing. Today I bought an $8 jigsaw puzzle that, when completed, will be a picture of him. So that's exciting. My dad bought me a tin sign that has a painting of him on it. It cost $7. So I have some nice James Dean pics in my room now. I think this is more than an obsession. That is all I have to say about that.

So there we go. Obsessions!