Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Eris Quod Sum

That picture came from rickey.org ... I like his screencaps this week, but I cannot agree with his review. At all. He pretty much hated last night's episode - actually, he just said that it "sucked" and that it was "awful" ... which basically means he hated it. I, on the other hand, loved it (yes, bolded and italicized). I'm thinking it may have had something to do with all the Peter/Sylar wonderfulness, but I don't know. Maybe, you know, it was just an amazing episode.

Entertainment Weekly's reviewer also hated it (geez), but I'm gonna use that review to make sure I don't leave anything out of my review.

I'm gonna try and talk about the episode not in the order things happened, but in the order of how I liked each story line, ending with my favorite story line. So first is my least favorite.

Hiro and Ando were still in Africa, hanging out with "Meesta Afreecan Eesaac." By the way, has Meesta Afreecan Eesaac been named yet? I mean, have they revealed his real name? I don't remember. For now I'll call him MAE for short. Anyway, Hiro and Ando were with MAE talking about how Hiro might go about saving all the people in MAE's future-paintings. It's not that I disliked this story line, it just didn't really go anywhere last night. Hiro ate some ground up root with hyena crap and fell into a spirit walk trance-y state, trapped for at least the next two weeks. That seems like it could lead to some interesting-ness ... but since it was just some set up for now, it was my least favorite story line.

The next two story lines were tied.
First I'll talk about Mohinder/Maya/Nathan/Tracy/HRG/Meredith's part. I miss the old Mohinder. Scary Mohinder is really going crazy. Now he's looking to Pinehearst for help. He's already tried Primatech, now he's trying the other team. He is just very confused and I want sane, in-control, honest, non-scary Mohinder back!! One good thing came of this story line: Maya doesn't have her powers anymore; now she can quit whining about it and go home. Sorry - I was never a Maya fan. Anyway, Mohinder wants Arthur to figure out how to take the side effects of his powers away without taking his powers. Come on, Mohinder, just let him take everything and you go back to being awesome! Sigh.
Nathan and Tracy were trying to save the webbed up people in Mohinder's loft, but one of the webbies struck back. HRG showed up just in time to stun the webbie. Meredith was with him. Everyone was a bit confused, especially Tracy. There was more Nathan awesomeness later, but I'll get to that soon.

The story line tied with that is the Matt/Daphne part. Arthur wanted Daphne to kill Matt, but she didn't want to. Maury, Matt's daddy, didn't want her to either. So Arthur killed Maury and sent Daphne to kill Matt. Daphne almost did it, too, but couldn't. So they devised a plan to trick everyone into thinking they were dead ... only I didn't seem to catch on like everyone else did. I was pretty shocked when Knox killed Daphne and Matt - especially when he killed Matt by punching a hole clear through him. Turns out Matt was manipulating Knox into thinking he had killed them, so it wasn't as shocking after all, but still ... I actually didn't see that coming. I probably wasn't thinking straight - my emotions were going crazy throughout the whole episode ... but I'll get to most of that later.

My next-to-favorite story line involved my third favorite character and one of my least favorite characters: Claire and Elle, respectively. I was not the most excited kid in the world when I saw the lights flashing in Claire's house because I knew who was behind that. And there she was, Elle, with malfunctioning powers. Uh oh! I thought one of the most awesome scenes in the whole episode was when Elle shocked Claire and Claire had that evil smirk because the shock had no effect on her since she can't feel pain anymore. Turns out Elle wanted Claire's help for her malfunctioning powers. So they went on their way to Pinehearst because they'd heard that someone there could help them. There was the scene on the plane where Elle got too riled up and almost short circuited the plane into a horrible crash ... but Claire took the electricity so it wouldn't mess up the plane and all was well. I thought that was pretty intense and pretty cool. They finally reached Pinehearst, but because of something crazy (which I will talk about in a sec), Claire decided not to seek that company's help ... but Elle went on in to have her powers removed.

Finally, my favorite story line of the whole episode: The Petrelli Saga! Peter was having dreams about his father, how he was supposed to be dead, how there had been a funeral and everything. Then Peter woke up, handcuffed to a gurney! Poor Peter. His daddy came in the room, and Peter yelled at him, which was one of my favorite parts. Angry Peter is awesome. And intense. Mmmmmm.
Sylar, meanwhile was still in a coma. But then his mommy, Angela, came to him in some vision and told him he had to save Peter (which made me so excited). So Sylar had a sequence of telekinetic awesomeness (which made me squeal with delight, especially when that door was ripped open), went to tell his mommy goodbye, and left for Pinehearst.
Back to Peter. Arthur came in Peter's room, and then something exciting happened. Peter had escaped the gurney by breaking it somehow! And he was charging at his dad with the gurney rail, ready to attack! More squealing from me! However, Arthur telekinetically stopped Peter from attacking him. Boo. And then Arthur had Peter strapped back to the gurney and carted away to be Mohinder's lab rat. I was very scared!
Mohinder was about to inject Peter with an experimental serum - and knowing Mohinder's past experiences with experimental sera ... well, I wasn't too excited. I know it was technically Arthur's serum, but I don't trust him very much either. Just when Mohinder was about to stick Peter with that needle, here comes Sylar to save the day! I was so excited! He helped Peter out of the gurney, caused some telekinetic chaos, and was just all-around awesome. But then Mohinder went crazy and started bashing Sylar's head into the floor. Boo. Meanwhile, Peter escaped. Sylar, however, wasn't so lucky.
While Peter was sneaking around the Pinehearst building, Sylar was hanging in midair, being lectured by his father. Poor Sylar must be so confused about his parents! Is it right of me to say "poor Sylar"? I mean, he's not technically been revealed as a good guy yet ... but I think he's getting there. Anyway, Arthur basically told Sylar that Angela is bad and Sylar should listen to his father ... that they should join together to save the world ... blah blah blah. Arthur has problems. He wants one of his sons to join him on the dark side, but he doesn't seem to care which one. He's just using them or something.
Peter snuck back to save Sylar, and I was so excited! But then Sylar turned mean again and telekinetically threw Peter out of the window! I was so scared! Turns out, though, that something suspicious slowed Peter's fall down so that he was hurt when he hit the ground, but not as bad as you would expect from a seven story fall. I'm thinking - and really, really hoping - that it really was Sylar's doings. Maybe Sylar's got a plan, and he's just cooperating with Arthur to get on his good side while he's really just working undercover to help Peter get his powers back so they can work together to defeat Arthur and his Pinehearst craziness.
Claire was there when Peter hit the ground - that is what made her change her mind about Pinehearst, when Peter told her what goes on in there. She took him home. Then Nathan showed up. Peter told Nathan that their daddy was still alive, but Nathan just couldn't believe it. He was there when Arthur died - he was the one that told Peter than Arthur died! So he was confused. But then he got all awesome and ready to fight. So maybe all three Petrelli brothers can work together to defeat their mean, mean daddy! That would be fun. I love me some Petrelli brothers.

Anyway, I think season three is awesome so far. I don't know what everyone else is on, thinking it isn't a good season and that Heroes needs some help. I had so much fun watching last night's episode. I was cheering and jeering and squealing and screaming and going crazy. It was very entertaining. I am so sad that I have to wait TWO WEEKS for the next episode. Oh! But here's some excitement for the next episode: it's a flashback and Peter has his old hairstyle!!! Haha, it's the little things that matter, I tell you. But I am excited to see what happened before they all became Heroes and villains. It seems Sylar and Elle will be in cahoots somehow. Hmmm. I am just very excited. Two weeks! Aaaaahhhh!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I want to talk about last night's episode of Heroes.

It was crazy.

I really liked it! The end scared me, but I'll talk about that later.

By the way, I am using rickey.org's review as a guide so I don't forget to talk about anything.


Peter, Nathan, and Sylar's daddy killed Adam. I was just thinking about how attractive Adam is - er, was - when Mr. Petrelli killed him, or rather took his power away, which killed him. That scene was just crazy, the way he just disintegrated. Mr. Petrelli's power is really scary ... but I'll talk about that later.

Whew. Ando is not dead. I'm glad Hiro used his power to go back in time and fix it so that it would just be an illusion. I'm not sure what Hiro's got up his sleeve about joining with the bad guys in order to save the world ... I do know that Hiro and Ando's trip to Africa provided some of the funniest moments in the episode. My favorite line in the whole episode was probably Hiro's "Meesta Afreecan Eesaac?" (If I typed it the way it's really spelled, you couldn't get the whole effect of it). I laughed so loud at that, my dad's curiousity was piqued from the other room and he put his TV on NBC just in time to see Mr. African Isaac conk Hiro on the head with the shovel. All the shovel hitting - specifically Hiro's reactions to that - was funny too. I'm glad Hiro and Ando finally just snuck up on the African dude the old fashioned way. I wonder what will happen with them next week ...

Claire's story line was really scary this week. Puppetman was creepy. I didn't like him. The Russian roulette game with the gun and the two mommies was scary, too. I am glad Claire didn't have to shoot one of her mommies. I kinda guessed Claire would end up getting shot, but it was still exciting for me, especially when she got up and knocked Puppetman out. I know Puppetman has a name, but I don't really remember it at the moment and I don't feel like looking it up. And I'm sure Puppetman is technically two words, but I like typing it as one word better, sorta like Batman but scarier. Anyway, they took care of him. He won't be so creepy anymore! That is good.

I'm sorta starting to like Matt better than I have ... I think his turtle is helping him out. His airport-waiting story last night was a little dull, but I'm sure it's building up to something a lot more interesting. He had a future vision and now he wants to fix what he saw ... that's gotta bring up some interesting stuff in the long run. So right now it's sort of a transition stage, which has happened a lot in this show so far but it always yields exciting results.

Mohinder is going crazy. He's been so scary lately! I thought he was going to get better after Tracy and Nathan told him about Dr. Zimmerman and all. I thought he was actually trying to help Tracy and Nathan. But no. He's still crazy and a little evil. Sigh. I miss the old Mohinder, the old Mohinder I used to like more than I like Sylar.

Speaking of Sylar, he was helping Peter out last night! I was excited for the two of them to work together, even though Sylar's still pretty scary. Peter was not as excited as I was. I understand why. Sylar is supposed to be Peter's nemesis, but now they know they have the same mommy so it's all a little weird. So yeah, I understand why Peter was mad at Sylar (but I was oh so happy that Sylar took Peter out of the coma). Then they went to see their mommy and Peter was still mad. And then Peter beat the crap out of Sylar and put him in a coma. Oh Peter. Normally, Sylar in a coma would be a good thing, no matter how hot he is. But Peter, I believe Sylar really was trying to help you! And now he is in a coma. Sigh. But Peter's so wonderful (and gorgeous), I'd rather have Sylar in a coma than him, so I guess it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Besides, I have a feeling Sylar's coma won't last too long.

So Peter ran away and went to see his daddy. Only he didn't know he was going to see his daddy. He was all, "Dad? You're supposed to be dead!" And Mr. Petrelli was all, "But I'm not, son. Now give Daddy a hug." And I was all, "DON'T DO IT PETER! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" But he did it anyway. Mr. Petrelli took all of Peter's powers away and I am very sad.

Rickey.org did help me find a possible bright side to this, though. Rickey said,

Peter’s power-loss is a nice “reset” switch. I think that when he regains his abilities, it will only be his original ability which is to copy powers via proximity. But he has to “start again from scratch”. This is good so he doesn’t have Sylar’s awful hunger anymore. Just my theory.

And my best friend, known as otherhero around here, theorizes that Sylar will help Peter get his power back. So, that would mean that there could be more Peter/Sylar scenes in the future, which would make me very happy. Also, Rickey's theory would mean that Peter won't be scary anymore, which would also make me very happy.

I would still be a little sad if Peter had to start from scratch absorbing powers. But maybe that's why they introduced another character that could paint the future, since Meesta Eesaac (haha) is dead. And maybe if Nathan stays in trouble a while, they will bring West back and Peter can absorb his flying power! Hey, I can dream. But I do like Nathan a lot, so I don't want him in trouble for long.

Ooooh, I just thought of something. I hope Peter doesn't run into Mohinder after he gets his power back ... I don't want Peter to start molting and spinning webs. Ugh. Maybe before Peter gets his power back, he can escape from his father (who apparently grounds him - with handcuffs - next week) and go be awesome and help Mohinder somehow ... how? I don't know. But it would be ideal for Peter not to absorb Mohinder's defective power but still be a hero and be responsible for making Mohinder super-likeable again. And then Peter can team up with Sylar and they can be super brothers and go get Peter's power back. And then Peter can refrain from absorbing Sylar's power, but then help him learn to control it somehow so they can be good guys together!

I'm not so good at theorizing, but I am good at dreaming. Haha.

Well, that's all for that. This was a fun post! I'll try to do this every week, or at least as much as I can.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Guess what?

I borrowed Heroes season 2 from my best friend today! Yay! I'm closer to knowing what is going on! Yay! I just finished the first episode. It was so crazy. Everyone was all, "Peter's dead Peter's dead Peter's dead." And I was saying, "No he's not no he's not no he's not." And then he shows up in a box in Ireland and he is more confused than I am. Which is saying something ... because I am very confused.

I'm ready for the next chapter!

Oh, I enjoyed the whole episode, by the way. It was very interesting and exciting and confusing. In other words, it was awesome. Yay!

I'll get to the next chapter in a minute. First, I'm gonna post another video because this is a fun obsession during which to do that. So. Here you go. It's called "Milo Ventimiglia: Before The Golden Globes." This is interesting stuff right here. Check it out.

There are so many of these videos ... which is good ... because I'm a little insane.

Oh, one more thing. I totally ate at the Milo's fast food place again today. No, it's not because I'm a total mental case (though, honestly, I'm not far off). It's just because it's so freaking good. And inexpensive, which is nice when you're unemployed.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Still obsessed.

Almost 24 hours after my last post ... still obsessed. My family got tonight's dinner from a fast food restaurant called Milo's (maybe THE best fast food restaurant ever; I've loved it since I was a kid). Not so long ago, my favorite Milo was the awesome dog in the Jim Carrey movie, "The Mask", and that's who I would think about at the Milo's restaurant sometimes. But I was only half- or quarter-thinking of that doggy at Milo's tonight. That doggy has become my second favorite Milo. Poor doggy. I still love you, doggy! That doggy's probably dead now, since that movie was released 14 years ago ... awwww! Now I'm sad!! I should post a picture of that doggy, to honor him. Here:

I had to make a screencap from a video in order to have a good picture of that doggy. Isn't he cute?

Look what I found in my Google image search for "Milo The Mask":

So I'm gonna embed another awsome video here. That should cheer me up after thinking about how poor Milo doggy probably isn't around anymore (awwwww Milo!!!). Do you think people are mad when you embed their videos on blogs? They'd turn off the embed feature on their video if they didn't want you to do it, wouldn't they? I think so. Anyway, that was just a random thought I had that traveled from my brain, down my arms, into my fingers, through the keyboard and onto the screen. Crazy stuff, my brain.


Video! Videos are nice when you're obsessed. I watched this one last night. It is very entertaining.

I think this video is reversed somehow ... left is right and right is left sort of thing. I think only the beginning is, though. Hmm.

I am ready to watch season 2 of Heroes so I can start watching season 3 of Heroes!! I think I get to start watching season 2 this weekend. Man, I almost started watching Heroes back when it first premiered. I had seen the commercials for weeks and I was very interested. But it came on at the same time as some other show I watched with my parents, so I wasn't able to start watching it. I saw maybe 2 scenes during the commercials of whatever show I was watching ... I remember which 2 scenes! The part where Ando wants Hiro to teleport into the women's restroom and the part where Claire sticks her hand in the garbage disposal. See? I was interested back then! But now I am so behind everyone else. You know what I think? I become so obsessed because I feel like an inferior fan when I get started on things so late. I have to catch up quick so I can feel like a true fan, so I totally immerse myself in things. Of course, it doesn't always work that way ... I mean, I became obsessed with David Cook pretty quickly ... there wasn't much catch up involved there, if any at all ... I am just grasping for excuses for my behavior, and I can't seem to get any to be true. I think I just have issues. Sigh.

That's what this blog is for. To have a place to exhibit my issues without annoying people who want to read normal things on my other blog.



Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Because I'm Obsessed And Can't Watch Videos With Possible Heroes Spoilers In Them

Milo Ventimiglia and his friends make very random, very entertaining videos. I decided to post one to share the awesomeness with those of you who haven't had the pleasure of finding these videos on Youtube.